Summary and Analysis The Choephori, or The Libation Bearers: Third Episode (Lines 649-778)

The servant calls Clytaemestra. She comes to the door and welcomes the strangers. After offering them the hospitality of the palace, she asks to hear their message. Orestes says that he and his companion are Daulian merchants, just arrived in Argos from Phocis. On the road to Argos, they encountered […]

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Summary and Analysis The Choephori, or The Libation Bearers: First Stasimon (Lines 305-476)

Analysis The meaning of this long, three-sided, lyrical passage has been debated by critics. It seems to serve several functions, all aimed at creating an atmosphere in which the murder of Clytaemestra is dramatically and psychologically convincing. To some extent, the scene is a mystical invocation of the spirit of […]

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Summary and Analysis The Choephori, or The Libation Bearers: First Episode (Lines 83-304)

The women, who are still devoted to their dead master, advise her to pray for revenge against Aegisthus and Clytaemestra and to ask her father’s blessings for herself, Orestes, and all others who hate his murderers. Electra prays to Hermes to carry her message to Agamemnon, then calls upon her […]

Read more Summary and Analysis The Choephori, or The Libation Bearers: First Episode (Lines 83-304)